Wednesday 18 May, 12.00 - 2.00 p.m.
Organisers: Commons Lab and Urban Studies Institute
Nile Room S.117, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerpen
Email to participate online through Teams.
Chiara Salati is a Visiting Research Student at the research group "Government and Law". She is a PhD candidate in Global studies. Justice, rights, politics at the University of Macerat.
From Italian to European cities: searching for a framework for Civic Participation through the Commons
Starting from the model of 'Shared administration of the urban commons' that around 300 Italian cities are using (municipal Regulation on the commons, and Collaboration agreement tool), the aim of my PhD research is to look at the role that other EU cities could play in supporting civic participation through the commons. While the Italian model is anchored in the constitutional principle of horizontal subsidiarity, the research is looking at common European constitutional principles that could be used by EU cities at the local level, despite the lack of a common understanding in the EU of what the 'urban commons' are.