Commons Lab

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Democracy as a commons: an online workshop exploring the new forms of co-creation across Europe

Register here!

Why and how is citizens´co-creation core to new forms of democracy?
What new forms of citizens´participation are emerging across Europe?
What are the opportunities and needs, enablers and barriers that local actors of societal change are facing to radically reimagine citizens´participation?

CitizensLab is a European platform that aims to explore and action-research about citizens´co-creation as a new form and “culture” of doing democracy in Europe.

Join our online interactive workshop where you will be called to share your knowledge, experiences as well as to collectively map with us the current landscape of new forms of democracy and citizens´participation across Europe.

The workshop aims at:
1. Getting to know CitizensLab´s vision and actions for a “culture of citizens´co-creation” and create connections with our community

2. In an interactive dialogue, learn more about and explore why democracy should be thought as a commons and why a system change approach is necessary to reinvent our democracy with the inputs of:
- Professor Stavros Stavrides (National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture)
- Louise Armstrong (Forum for the Future)
- Phoebe Tickell (Advisor at the International Bateson Institute)

3. Map the European context and the actors engaged in implementing processes of citizens´co-creation and the new forms of participation.

For Whom?
Whether you are a community organizer, artist, activist, educator or an active citizen, we invite you to register to the workshop if you are actively involved in creating new forms of citizens´co-creation and participation across Europe and feel connected to the principles of care, co-creation, collective intelligence, interdisciplinarity, the commons, and the systemic change approach.

Are you feeling curious? Do you feel excited and wanting to explore and contribute?

Then register and join this participatory workshop and start to get involved in the CitizensLab!

Tijdstip: zaterdag van 10:30 UTC+01 - 13:30 UTC+01

Prijs: gratis · Duur: 3 uur